Our Businesses


As one of the oldest and most reliable Glass to Metal Seal Manufacturers, Legacy Technologies Inc. has the unique experience coupled with our brand new state of the art facility located in Mission, Kansas, USA to provide the highest reliable hermetic glass seals in the industry. Although primarily known as the world’s leading manufacturer of high reliability precision quartz crystal holders, LTI’s wide range of hermetic seal capabilities have been used to design, develop, and manufacture hermetic connectors for many industries including aerospace, telecommunications, medical, automotive and sensor applications.

  • 6700 W 47th Terrace Mission, KS, 66203

Product & Capabilities: 

  • Hermetic Feed Throughs
  • Energetic Devices
  • Solder Seals
  • Sidewalls/Power Packages
  • Cold Weld Crystal Bases
  • Resistance Weld Crystal Bases

Core Competencies:

  • Glass to Metal Seal
  • Electronics Header Finishing
  • Metal Frequency Control Stamping
  • Plating